Feb 26, 2020
When a Civil War substitute broker told business associates that "Men is cheep here to Day," he exposed an unsettling contradiction at the heart of the Union's war effort. Despite Northerners' devotion to the principles of free labor, the war produced rampant speculation and coercive labor arrangements that many...
Feb 24, 2020
Chris Gwinn is the chief interpretive Park Ranger at GNMP. In this lecture he shares the accounts of the fighting on Culp's Hill that the veterans who fought there left behind.
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Feb 24, 2020
Ranger Tom Holbrook brings our another fascinating collection of artifacts from the National Park Service's collection and tells the stories attached to them. If only they could tell us themselves. What else would they say?
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Feb 20, 2020
Hello folks. spring is almost upon us and with Spring comes our second season of walking tours of the battlefield. This year is the first year with a theme and the theme is Get Out of the Car. Licensed battlefield guide Lewis Trott, who you remember from AAGG #5, and Patreon Patrons will remember from the episode about...