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Addressing Gettysburg

Sep 27, 2022

Yes, it's time to really drive home how important it is for you to become a patron. Not just for the show's sake, but yours as well. Oh yes! Our Patreon episodes are designed to further your education on Gettysburg and the Civil War, get to know well-known authors, Park Rangers, actors and guides AND have a little fun...

Sep 19, 2022

Keep your favorite history podcast going! Become a patron here:
Author Tom Huntington joins Matt to talk about his book "Maine Roads To Gettysburg" from which we talk about the 16th, 17th and 19th Maine. Sorry, Chamberlain fans, we decided to talk about the OTHER Maine units this...

Sep 12, 2022

We asked Garry Adelman and Tim Smith to join us for our second in-person show of 2022. This time, we set up at Camp Farnsworth, a hidden gem right off the alley behind the Farnsworth House. It's a great spot to hold a party, if you're ever in the mind to. 


Garry and Tim's Devil's Den book came out 25 years ago and,...

Sep 5, 2022

This episode is being released on my sister's birthday. Like me, she turned 39 again this year. While it's my 6th time, it her 4th. So, happy birthday, Karen!
Had a great conversation with LBG and author Jeffrey Harding about his new book "Gettysburg’s Lost Love Story: The Ill-Fated Romance of General John Reynolds...

Sep 1, 2022

“I was at once ordered to throw my whole corps to that point and hold it at all hazards. Perhaps no other Union Corps commander is more invisible at Gettysburg than Major General George Sykes. Along with another more notable Corps Commander, he has no monument. But he did lead a Corps onto the field and this Corps...