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Addressing Gettysburg

Apr 25, 2022

LBG Jim Pangburn is back to talk about one of his favorite subjects: George G. Meade and what a great job he did at Gettysburg and during the retreat, despite the cirumstances he was faced with upon taking command. 

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Apr 18, 2022

Free stuff is great! Ain't it? But it costs someone something. So, thank that someone for providing three years of solid, consistently-released content. Become a Patron today! Then you can hear these when they're new and MORE!
Kent Masterson Brown talks with Matt about his...

Apr 11, 2022

Did you know that Gettysburg also has Licensed Town Guides? Well, they do! This episode is the first of, hopefully, many that feature a guide from the town and a subject pertaining to the history of the town of Gettysburg. 

Ted Hirt is the first of this guide force to join us. In this episode, we talk about a general...

Apr 4, 2022

David Martin, author of the fantastic Gettysburg, July 1 joined us on the phone for his first of many-to-come interviews about one of his books. Since Matt is working on the July 1 narrative, he selfishly decided to have him on to talk about the writing of this book and the day itself. This book also appears on the...